Hello, and thanks so much for dropping by. While I have designed my web site to be easy to access and use, I would love to speak with you in person as well, and I hope you will feel free to reach out and call me any time!
Buying and selling real estate can be a tricky business and with 15 years of real estate sales experience and a combined 30 years of financial and legal administration and marketing experience, I am able to provide my clients with a wealth of knowledge and information related to buying and selling real estate.
Raised in the Tri Cities area, I currently live with my Daughter in Maple Ridge and am deeply immersed in the community on both a personal and professional level. I look forward to sharing my expertise with buyers and sellers here and throughout the Lower Mainland for many years to come!
I am 100% dedicated to helping you find that dream home you've been searching for, or to help you sell your current property quickly and for the best price possible. I invite you to browse through my website and learn a little bit more about me and my past experience, and I truly look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have!
Buying a home?
Your satisfaction is my top priority! I am 100% dedicated and committed to your needs, and will personally and professionally take the time required to help you achieve all of your real estate dreams!
Selling your home?
Want to sell your home quickly and for the best price possible? My relationships with many Lower Mainland Realtors and connections with other Realtors around the world, as well as my personal and professional marketing programs give me the edge and experience needed to make this possible. Call me now to get started!